The following is an excerpt from the final presentation of my thesis, the prompt of which was the term “Techno-Utopia.”

It is not until designers regard features of accessibility as added opportunity for expression that we will live in an inclusive society, a prerequisite of Utopia.

Inspired by the work of Bojana Coklyat and Finnegan Shannon, I designed an alt-text poetry workshop. I made a 17x22” viewfinder to isolate unique perspectives for student volunteers, and led them through an exercise where they analyzed works of art and design exhibited [on campus] throughout the semester. I then had a conversation with each student about the objective of Alt-Text poetry: to try to create a more thoughtful user experience for screen reading users in an effort to promote accessibility. I presented them each with a customized certificate of completion, with additional information about the importance of accessibility in design and how use of accessibility practices like alt-text poetry also benefit the designer by broadening their audience and contributing to their visual literacy. 

I entreated a call to action to an interdepartmental group of artists and designer volunteers who reflected about what aspects of their process they might modify to consider alternative user experiences and accessibility. I asked them to specifically consider how these users may experience the same expression that would otherwise be communicated through traditional means of experiencing their work. 

Alt text poetry is my case study, but the practice of expressive accessible design is interdisciplinary. I designed a book, a more expansive look at this semester-long project, which offers a more in-depth look at alt-text poetry and the benefits an accessibility minded-practice offer to the designer.

Because to me, a Techno-Utopia is a world where the technology is thoughtfully designed to consider the needs and modes of access of each person living within it.



